Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 57 Motivation

I knew this day would come. The day when the scale does not move in my favor one way or the other. I also knew that I was going to have continue to keep my motivation front and center to continue on this journey no matter what news the scale provides me on a weekly basis.

Today is one of those days. When you know you have done everything right, but the scale does not indicate that. On days like today when I don’t get that positive feedback from the number going down on the scale it is important to define the “why” I want to lose weight.

I decided that today would be a good day to remind myself of the “why” I want and need to lose this weight.

So I can become physically and mentally healthy.
So I am able to walk without pain.
So the pain in my knees and hip go away.
So I can fit on any airplane seat to visit my family.
So I can ride a bike.
So I can fit in the bathtub.
So I can take a shower without fear from falling.
So the sleep apnea I have will go away.
So I can bend and polish my own toenails.
So I can tie my own shoes.
So I can have more energy.
So I can take my dogs for a walk.
So I can see my grandchild grow up and get married one day.
So I can buy clothes in a regular clothes store and fit into a size 10.
To be able to take the stairs.
To add years to my life.
To be a better wife, mother, and friend.
To be able to feel confident in my own skin.
To not feel tired all the time.
To not have a heart attack or stroke or some other weight related disease.
To be able to walk on a treadmill or exercise on a recumbent bike.
To feel strong and beautiful.

These are just some of my personal goals that will continue to motivate me on this weight loss journey. I must remind myself often to not let the number on the scale be the only definition of success.  I must continue to look at all the positive changes I have made and will continue to make to become the person I want to be.

Today the scale said 371.8 lbs. Today there was no weight loss change. But, let there be no doubt that I am changing.  I am going to win. I will see my dreams come true. One day at a time.

Until next time, be well.


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