Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I don’t have to be perfect to make progress

I was thinking about it this morning. How I allowed "perfection" to keep me a prisoner for so long. Perfection! There is no such things as perfect. But it’s something that has been the demise of so many weight loss attempts for me. How many times have I started a weight loss plan only to fall short of sticking to the plan "perfectly" and then allow that to be the reason to throw the whole program out the window. Why do I do this??? Life is full of choices, some good and some bad. It is foolish of me to think that I can go all my life and never make a bad food choice, yet it is exactly what I do. I need to embrace the fact that I am perfectly imperfect, and that is okay. I can be less than perfect and I can still become a healthy person even if I don’t always choose the most healthy choice. I can make a mistake and not throw it all away. Aiming for perfection is okay, but falling short can no longer be used as an excuse to abandon my weight loss program. It makes no sense to undo all the hard work for one bad choice or bad food day. I really need to embrace the mantra of Progress Not Perfection.

Today I may strive for perfection, but if I fall short, it’s okay. Another meal is coming where I get a chance to do better. Progress, NOT Perfection is something I have been saying for years. But it’s time I stop giving lip service and put those words into action.

Until next time, be well.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I won a Medifast Giveaway!

Wow! I can't believe it's been so long since I have updated my journal. Oh well, today is a new day and I have some very exciting news. I was one of the lucky winners to receive a Free Month of Medifast that was so graciously hosted by Lyn who has a fabulous blog named Escape from Obesity. You can read all about it here:


I was really wanting to try Medifast before this giveaway happened, but finances have been very tight and I was really concerned about putting that much money out and finding that program might not be a good fit for me. So many deserving folks had already entered the giveway by the time I decided to leave a comment that I almost didn't even try. I decided that I was going to leave a comment anyway and here is what I wrote.

My name is Linda. I am 52 year old. I am a loving first time grandparent and a mom of two grown kids. I have been reading your blog for quite some time now. I can't begin to express how much your words inspire me each and every day. I wake up each day, and truly look forward to reading about your journey, wishing I could follow in your footsteps. My story is like most, I am not so unique when it comes to weight loss struggles. I have never been able to beat this disease. One failed attempt after another, but I have never, ever given up. My highest weight was 41l pounds. I presently weigh 392.8. I am watching my life slip away day by day. Everything that is near and dear to me is in jeopardy. My job is presently accommodating me to work from home, but I am so worried that I will not be able to go back to work in 4 months because nothing has changed. Out of desperation, I am going thru the preop steps to have lapband surgery. I don't want to go to this extreme, but I feel so very desperate to save my life. At the same time I am petrified to have the surgery and die on the table. But if I keep going like this, I will die too. I just really need help and need to do something very different and drastic to save my life. I just can't go on like this. Life is passing me by and if I continue on this road I am on, well, my life will be cut very short. I just had my first grandchild last August. She is the most precious baby. I want to be able to take her to the park, to be here to watch her grow up and be part of her life. My mother died in 1993 from a stroke related to her morbid obesity. My biggest fear is that if I don't get this weight off now, I too will not be here much longer. I have successfully lost weight various times. In 1998 I lost over 100 pounds following a weight loss program that removed sugar and white flour from my diet. I did really well and lost 111 pounds in about 10 months. When I relapsed back into the sugar/carbs, I put the weight back on plus some. I can't believe so much time has passed since then. Diet after diet, trying so hard to get my life back to no avail. I now understand that this has to be a lifestyle change in order for me to see permanent change. I have watched you really get your life back because of all the hard work you have done over the years. But I also know that when you started on the Medifast program, it gave you what you needed at the time, a tool to take that next step into your journey. It gave you structure around your food. Lynn, that is what I need, structure around my food. I need to be able to just open a packet, eat it and move on. No mess, no fuss. I can't be thinking about what am I going to eat next, or have too much variety right now. I need to keep things simple. I have been praying for a way to financially be able to afford to do Medifast. If you choose me, I promise that I will give everything that I have and stick with it the whole time. I want to save my life. I have a wonderful husband who has stuck by me all these years. If it were not for him, well I just don't know. I am tired of not being an active participant in my own life. I don't want to spend the rest of my life stuck in a wheelchair. I want to feel what it feels like to walk without pain again. I want to travel, and help others. I want to stop talking about it and do it. Food needs to not have so much importance in my life, and with Medifast, I think it would be my ticket out of this hell I live in, day in and day out. I need to start from ground zero. I do believe that this program can help me change my life. The Medifast program will give me the tools and opportunity to get my life back. If you choose me I will not let you down. I will work hard and follow the program to the letter. I know that there is no such thing as perfection. But it’s not about want anymore, I need to do this. I am willing to give this program 110percent so I can get my life back. It’s been a long time since I have had these feelings of hope.

Kind Regards,

I can't believe I won! I am so excited to be able to have this opportunity to jumpstart my weight loss program. I plan to blog about my experience each day once I start the Medifast program.

Today's weight 384.2

Stayed tuned and be well.