Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 50 Oh Yeah!!!

Okay, so I have not been blogging as often as I would like, but the important thing is I am still on program! WHOOHOOO! I am so happy to be able to say that I have 50 days today. Gosh, I have not had this much time strung together in a long, long, long time.

I must say that I am excited because the more on program days I get behind me the closer I get to becoming the healthy person I want to be. I know I can do this because I decided to do this no matter what. I don’t care what day it is, this is how I need to eat for the rest of my life, no excuses. I must also say that for me, portion control is important. However, when I am choosing whole foods over processed garbage I also get fuller faster and stay full longer. It’s time to make a bit of change in WHAT I eat.

Let me explain. My loving husband is a type 2 insulin dependant diabetic. He struggles every day to keep his numbers normal the same way I struggle to lose weight. If he is to control his blood sugar levels it is going to be very important to keep a journal of his food, his blood glucose readings, and choose to eat from whole foods. In order for him to dose his insulin correctly he needs to know how many carbs he is about to eat and then figure out the ratio of insulin to carbs. For him it's a life and death choice too. He really needs to stay away from the carby type foods because when he eats of those foods his need for insulin goes up exponentially. Eating very low carb is the ONLY thing that really helps with having to take less insulin. I love my husband and want him to be around a long, long time. We both need to get healthy! So...our plan of action is to start eating more real foods and leave the other stuff alone. It is the highly processed foods that keep me begging for more and as for my husband he is not able to control his high sugar readings when he consumes them. It is time that we seriously adopt this lifestyle change. It's not only about how much we eat, it's about what we eat too.

Over the past 50 days I have been leaving about 300-400 calories each night available to have my sugar free fudge bars, my whole wheat pretzels, my south beach double chocolate bars. And while I have not suffered any ill affect as far as my weight loss goes, I do often suffer from a constant craving for more. With that being said, I have decided to lessen my processed food intake, and reduce my carb choices and replace them with foods like protein and fruit. Because even if I eat whatever I want, and make mostly healthy choices for my 1500 calories, the fact is, 300-400 calories a day that I am presently spending on these types of foods could potentionally cause me to loose control. Ice-cream, food replacement bars, pretzels, rice cakes with peanut butter. These are things I have allowed myself to eat in a portioned controlled manner but sometimes these choices really leave me wanting much more. There is a lot to be said by keeping things really simple. Now, that is not to say that I will never have a sugar free fudge bar or rice cakes with peanut butter again. But for me, I am learning that these choices have to be the exception, not the rule.

Well it’s weigh day! I am so very grateful that the scale gods were smiling down on me today. I can't say that I don't hold my breath everytime I step on that darn scale, even when I know I am doing all the right things LOL...

Today the scale says 371.8. That’s 4lbs down from last week, which is a total of 26.4lbs down.

Until next time, be well.


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