Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 36 Slow But Steady

Well the holiday weekend is over and I made it through without a gain. However, I am a bit disappointed in my weight loss this week. But I do know that I am relieved that I did not gain. I think I know why the scale told a different story this week. I actually added more carbs to my food plan, i.e. beans, rice, and potatoes to the mix. My body tends to hold a lot more water when I eat from these foods. If I tend to stay lean and grean, the weight comes off a lot easier. However, I am in this for life, so there will be days or times that I CHOOSE to eat from these food groups and the scale will not be as kind.

I think it’s funny how just last week I said I could not count on feeling any weight loss, but this week, I felt the weight loss! I was sure the scale was going to show me a big number, but alas, I was wrong. But I am not going to allow this disappointment to keep me down one more moment because I did eat on plan! I did count my calories and I did not cheat! I could have made better choices perhaps, but all my choices were within my food plan. That’s because nothing is off limits on my food plan, just better choices. It really makes it so much easier to stick to a program where you can eat from all food groups. Because for me, the minute I get into the diet mentality the cheating begins. There is no cheating on my food plan because there is nothing that I can’t have if I plan for it. That’s the beauty of not dieting anymore. I think there is a big difference in being accountable for what you put into your mouth versus eliminating specific foods from your diet.

There is no on again off again with my food plan. I can’t tell you how liberating this is! Now, this is not to say that I eat from all foods just because I can. I look at my calories like spendable cash. There are some days that my spendable cash/calories are spent at Walmart and other days it’s spent at Coach. LOL.
It just depends on my food choices. So a day with all lean and green chioices with fruit would be a Coach day. On another day, I might choose some fast food choices and more processed type food/snacks that are definitley of the Walmart variety. However, both allow me to be successful. As long as I am being accoutable. Being accountable for me means I write my food down, I keep track of my calories. I try to use commom sense with my choices. I try to eat just one or two carb choices a day. I try to use the knowledge that I have acquired all these years jumping from one diet to another and make all that information work for me. No one knows me better than me. My actions with food must be mindful, deliberate. I can’t afford to be anything less than diligent. Too much is at stake. I will make an effort this week to put more unprocessed foods into my body. If I expect to get the results I want, then I need to keep this real. I need work on choosing better quality foods to put into my body. I know my body will thank me for it!

Today the scale said 378.2 Just a tiny.6lb loss. However, I have lost 20lbs in the last month!

Until next time, be well.


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