Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 64 Taking the Scenic Route

This last week has been much harder than most weeks gone by. Last week, not losing weight really messed with my head. As much as I hate to admit it, it did. I tried to push away the feelings of disappointment for days. But by Sunday, it was all too much, and I decided to look the other way and went back to comforting myself with food. Yes, I made the decision to take the scenic route with my food. This is really old food addict behavior for me and I wish that I could find a way not to do it anymore.

For some reason, rather than working even harder when I gain or don’t lose at all, I get so caught up in feeling like such a loser. I get depressed and disappointed and I turn to my old friend food. Now where is the logic in that? I know, I know, it all comes from a purely emotional place. Since I am a food addict, it is what I do. I medicate and try to fix all of my problems with food. Yet the reason I struggle with so many problems in my life IS because of the overeating of the food. Sigh…..

The good news is that I got right back on track Monday morning. So my down time was minimized by my ability to bounce back faster than normal. But I must say, things are a lot harder this time around for me in the weight loss department. I am getting older, and not being able to walk has really made a difference in my ability to burn more fat. I have done some chair exercises, but it’s not the same as walking. I need to find ways to work out harder without have to use my hips or knees. I know that the pool at the local gym is another option, but getting to the pool is the hard part LOL. But I can’t make any excuses anymore because my body requires movement to be a more efficient burning machine.

I know a lot of folks say Progress, NOT perfection. I too preach that a lot. But I want to be perfectly on program. I don’t have time for willy nilly attempts. It’s a waste of time, time I can’t afford. I want to lose some weight each and every week. I want consistant results. But I must stop taking the the scenic detours along the way. I have smelled the roses for far too long. It’s time to take the sometimes down and dirty roads to my destintion. The only way to be a winner at this game is to keep my game face on and fight. Fight harder, with everything I got and never give up.

Today the scale says 375.2. That is a 3.4lbs gain. It is sure more fun posting a weight loss. But being honest is very important. I ate off program on Sunday, a lot off program, and the scale does not lie. But I will not let this defeat me. I have so much to gain if I don’t give up. Giving up can’t be an option. It hurts that I hurt myself with food. I wish I didn’t turn to the food, but I can’t take back what I did. I can only move forward and do better.

Game face on… YES! Big girl panties on…YES!

Until next time, be well.


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