Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 55 Food Journaling

Part of my success this time with staying on track has been my food journal. Each and every day I write down my foods and the caloric value. It is so important to my success in losing weight because without it, I have no road map.

There are days that I hate that I must write down every little thing I put into my mouth. There are days when I want to eat more food than my left over calories permit. There are days that I just want to be “normal” around food. But I am not normal around food. I need to have the truth in black and white. I need a tool that that shows me that I have had enough food for today!

Keeping a food journal is my safety net. It keeps me from from believing the little lies my mind tells me. It keeps this weight loss journey real! There are some nights that I have only a few calories left and would like to say the heck with it, tomorrow I will eat less, make up for it. That is when the flashing red lights and sirens need to go off. Once I start to feed into that mentality I get into very slippery territory. If I give myself permission to just this once….well we all know what just this once, or I will get right back on track tomorrow line has typically given me. For me, the 1500 calorie boundery can’t be crossed. I must be strong and not lie to myself anymore. I must be iron clad with my decision to stay the course, no matter who, no matter what, no matter why, no MATTER WHO!!!

I felt like Julia Roberts there for a moment, you know the scene she has in Pretty Woman. LOL. Okay, maybe you don’t…Anyways….

I refuse to tell myself those little lies anymore. I refuse for even one moment to let my mind trick me into believing that just one extra anything that is not within my caloric budget is okay to sneak in. Nothing short of complete honesty surrounding my food choices and caloric count is going to to be tolerated.

It’s great when you have made a decision because there is no more bargaining your way out of what you know you MUST do. No more excuses, no more lies, no more looking the other way.

Until next time, be well.



  1. Mom,
    I am so proud of you and dad for getting healthy. LilyAnn wants her grand parents around as long as possible. I know you have struggled with this for so many years. This is your time!!! God will see this through with you. Keep up the good work!!!
    Love you:)
    P.S. Sorry about the deleted comments, I had issues posting....

  2. Thank you Leah. I am so glad to see you posting here. Your support means the world to me. Yes, God will see US through!!! It reminds me that we never have to do this alone.

    I love you!
