Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thoughts for Day 9

My intention is to journal everyday, but you know how some days we get really busy or just plain lazy. Well’s all good. Weigh day was yesterday, and the scale was kind to me. I am happy to report a weight loss. It’s funny how the scale has so much power over me, but it does. When the scale accurately measures my efforts it makes me feel so happy.

But what about those weeks that I will surely have along the way when I did everything right, but the number on the scale stays the same?. Or maybe worse, the scale shows a gain! Yuck! I am going to have learn to not give the scale so much power over me. This is one of the primary reasons I am keeping a food journal. The scale does not show all the times that I turned down that thick crust sausage and pepperoni pizza or the icecream that came free with our meal.. It does not show how I did not order that huge tub of popcorn at the movie theatre, and chose to enjoy the movie and the company I was with instead. Nope, the real truth lies in my food journal. Writing down what goes into my mouth is such an important tool for me because my eyes are broken. I have what’s called “portion distortion.” When I weigh and measure my meals there is no doubt that I am on plan. I know I am on plan because I can see it in black and white. The mental gymnastics of did I eat to much or can I have more is plain to see. For me, weighing and measuring equals serenity. I call it my quality and quantity assurance. LOL.

But truth be told, the food monster is always there. Always. Some days the food monsters voice is relentless it takes everything I have to just make it through the day on plan. But there are days that food monsters voice is barely a whisper, and for those days I am so grateful. All I know is the food monster wants me dead. That’s right. Dead. But, everyday that I fight for my life, make healthier choices, he will loosen his grip on me. I refuse to let the food monster take me out. I will take him out. One healthy choice at a time!

The scale says: 387.6 Whooo 10.6 lbs down!

Until next time, be well.


1 comment:

  1. GOOD GOING LINDA! 10 + pounds is awesome....Keep up the good work. I love reading your post too.
    I will keep you in my prayers
