Monday, July 13, 2009

Fruits, Fruits and more Fruits

It is truly amazing how I have been able to replace any cravings for eating candy, icecream, or pretty much any sweet treat with fruit. For breakfast I have been enjoying cottage cheese with some yummy blueberries, peaches, or a crisp apple sliced. I like to sprinkle the apples with some cinnamon. I know that in order for me to be successful on this weight loss journey I must not allow myself to get too hungry. So when I am feeling hungry and it is not time for my meal I grab for a fresh piece of natures candy. Watermelon is especially good at night to quench my after dinner dessert cravings. I find nightime is my hardest time to stick with my program and fruit has been my lifesaver on more than one occassion. The best part is that I don't seem to abuse fruit even though is has natural sugar. It feels really good to make healthier choices that support my weight loss goals. Fruit, it does a body good!


  1. Way to go mom. I am proud of you! I think writting out your emotions and documenting this journey is key to success! Keep up the good work!

  2. Thank you for your support Leah. I love you and will never give up!
