Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 105 Perfectly Imperfect

I knew from the very beginning of this weight loss attempt that this time things needed to be very different. From a food standpoint, I knew that there could be nothing really off limits per se. That in order for me to sustain this way of life it had to be something I could do forever and ever.

In my past efforts to lose weight, every time I went off my food plan, I would get what I call stupid thinking. You know, the mentality of since you already blew it, you might as well eat all you want of whatever you want, quick!! All my binge foods would be singing my name and I would just justify the eating frenzy because I had already “blown it” right? Clearly, this way of thinking is what got me to be over 400lbs. It’s the feast or famine mentality that I had caused me to be so out of control. Today, if I “cheat” I get back on track ASAP. Instead of allowing the indulgence to own me, I am learning to own it and let it go. I am learning to be more gentle with myself and more forgiving of myself, not to be confused with making excuses for myself.

My comfort foods are definitely the hardest foods for me to control. But I have allowed myself to eat from those foods from time to time along this journey. There have been a few times where I have eaten from those foods like the old days. But what I have learned is that each and every day is a new day. Each meal, each day I get a clean slate to work from and I can pick up where I left off. I don’t have to stay in the mode of making unhealthy choices.

This weight loss journey does have its ups and downs for sure. But even during the times that I have made less than a perfect choices, I still managed to lose weight. I am learning how to minimize the damage by getting right back on track. I am learning that a slip does not have to spiral down into a major slide. And even if I do spiral out of control for a bit, I can turn things around at my next meal. I can be successful on this weight loss journey.

Listen, I am not aiming for perfection here. I just want to be able to live my life in a healthy body. I want to be the best I can be, but I am human. I am going to eat off program from time to time. But what I do to recover from those less than perfect decisions is what will decide how successful I will be. I am happy with my progress thus far. It’s funny, I am perfectly imperfect and that’s okay. As long as I get back to doing the work that needs done, I will reach my weight loss goals.

Today the scale reads 363.4. That’s 6 lbs down from last week’s weigh in of 369.4. Thank you God, I am grateful.

Until next time, be well.


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